Heathkit Virtual Museum

KL-1 "Chippewa" Kilowatt Linear Amplifier

KL-1 "Chippewa" Kilowatt Linear Amplifier

Here is a top-quality kilowatt rig with all the features you've been looking for. Operates at maximum legal power input on all bands between 80 and 10 meters, in SSB, CW or AM linear operation. Premium tubes (4-400A's), forced air cooled with centrifugal blower. Grid neutralized, continuous plate current monitoring, extensive TVI shielding. Features both tuned and swamped grid circuits to accommodate all popular exciters. Operates class AB1 for SSB and AM linear service and high efficiency class C for CW service. Convenient panel controls include power switch, tune-operate switch, HV on/off switch, final bandswitch, meter switch, grid bandswitch, grid tuning, mode switch, plate tuning, plate loading and bias adjust. Accessory connectors are provided on the rear apron of the chassis for complete compatibility with all control circuitry in the Heathkit "Apache" Transmitter. Two meters provided; one monitors final plate current; the other indicates switch selected readings of final grid current, screen current, and plate voltages. 70 lbs.

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