Heathkit Virtual Museum

QM-1 "Q" Meter

QM-1 "Q" Metere


  • Tests components at operating frequency—150 kc to 18 mc
  • Large 4½" 50 ua meter—easy to read dial scales
  • Measures Q, L, and distributed capacity of coils
  • No special alignment equipment required—test coil furnished
  • Metered oscillator output for constant injection

The Q meter is not just a "prestige" instrument to be dusted off each morning when opening the shop or lab. It is fully capable of performing many tasks in a matter of minutes that ordinarily require considerable mechanical and mathematical dexterity. Originally a Q meter was out of financial reach of the average service shop but now Heathkit ingenuity has brought it into line.

Suspected components and parts being developed or manufactured can be tested at frequencies at which they normally are used (150 kc to 18 mc). Wide ranges of inductance, capacitance and Q will cover practically all values encountered. All indications are read directly on a large 4½", 50 microampere, panel-mounted meter. Surprisingly easy to use, the model QM-1 will take the guesswork out of your electronic efforts.

The Heathkit Q Meter uses a 12AT7 oscillator with pre-wound coils to obtain the full frequency range on four bands. Oscillator output is metered to provide constant injection. A complete VTVM circuit is used as a resonance indicator, using a 6AL5 twin diode and a 12AU7 VTVM amplifier. Voltage regulated and transformer operated power supply utilizes a 6X5 full wave rectifier and an OD3 regulator tube. All other components are of the highest quality.

Behind the attractive charcoal gray panel with white lettering is a well laid out and factory-formed chassis. No "extras" are required to build or operate this instrument. A special test coil is provided for calibration purposes.

Specifications--Frequency: 150 kc--18 mc on 4 bands. Inductance: 1 microhenry to 10 millihenrys. Q: 250 Full scale x 1 or x 2. Capacitance: Actual 40 mmf—450 mmf; Effective 40 mmf—400 mmf; Vernier ± 3 mmf. Tubes: 1-12AT7, 1-6AL5, 1-12AU7, 1-6X5, 1-0D3/VR150. Power Requirements: 105-125 VAC, 50-60 cycles, 30 watts. Dimensions: 8" high x 17" wide x 6" deep. Shipping Weight: 14 lbs.

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